Saturday, October 31, 2009

End of October

Once again, the time has whooshed by me. I guess that has to be my mantra. Whatever the case, the time has been well spent making memories with my daughter and granddaughter. I have written little, which is a shame, but there are only X-number of hours in a day. Between laundry, dishes and just trying to cut my way through the busy clutter and hectic schedules, it's amazing to me that I am still upright. I do, however, feel the need to check in to my blog, which has turned into more of a journal than anything else, and write something. There are virtually no followers, so I am writing to me. Maybe one day...

I recently received a beautiful tome, "The Path," with my poem in it, entitled "Summer Child." The publishers are Silver Boomers Press and they did a wonderful job with it all. I am very proud of it and plan on getting several copies for family and friends. :-)

On November 21st, I will be attending a writers' bootcamp in Shapleigh, Maine, hosted by Brenda Sturgis. I just sent out a ms that I am in love with to be critiqued by Lisa Wheeler, who is the author who is going to do the workshop. I have entitled it, "How do you Hide a Dragon?" (book one of the series, "The Adventures of Annie and Blaze").

Rather than carry on, (blah blah blah), I will end and save this entry. Even though I have no followers, maybe one day I will. I need to be true to my blog!

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