Suffice it to say that I have been clawing my way out a personal black hole. The gravity continues to pull and my energy continues to wane. My writing? A bit here and a bit there. I have suffered a few critical hits that have managed to dampen my enthusiasm to create. I will rally. I always do. One of these days...really...
Do I believe in "send a thought out there and it will manifest?" I hope that it isn't totally true, especially when I see anger and hear angry comments. Ouch. However, I want to believe that if one projects with an intent that is honorable, that perhaps, just perhaps, it will manifest. "As A Man Thinketh," by James Allen copyright 1903 includes a lot to consider. The notion has been around for a loooong time.
I am taking an ecourse that I am behind in. I have two more weeks, so will need to do some serious sitting, thinking, working, etc to do it and myself justice.
I will write. That is a promise to me. I will submit. That is another promise to me. I won't give up if I suffer rejection. That is yet another promise to me.
I also need to be more faithful in my blogging.